Ep. 59 Getting Hollyweird in the Midwest with Paranormal Investigator Anthony Holter

In today’s episode, Hollyweird Paranormal gets Hollyweird in the midwest!  Yes, we travel to Brice’s motherland with our special guest and friend, Anthony Holter.   Anthony is a native to Minnesota, having visited California a few times prior before settling in, in June of 2018.  He is also the locations assistant and paranormal investigator for OC’s […]

Ep. 58 The History & Haunting of Rockhaven Sanatorium with Hollywood Exhumed | Haunted LA Sanatoriums

In today’s episode we talk about a few of LA’s infamous sanitariums but there is one in particular that stands out from the rest, Rockhaven Sanitarium. Founded and operated in 1923 by Agnes Richards, Rockhaven was one of a number of respiratory and mental sanitariums in the Crescenta Valley. Renowned for its healthful air quality […]

Ep. 55 The Spanish Influenza of 1918 in L.A. & The Haunting of Linda Vista Hospital

The 1918  flu pandemic produced the greatest influenza death total in record history, killing an estimated 675,000 Americans and at least 50 million men, women, and children worldwide.   L.A. was one of the major cities hit by the pandemic with death tolls reaching close to 4,000.  On today’s quarantine episode we talk about the […]

Ep. 51 Listeners’ Tales Part 5

Listen to these creepy tales sent in from our listeners  Tune in to learn about a haunted house with shadow people in North Hollywood, ghost dogs, a haunted Inn in Vicksburg,MS complemented with a creepy EVP and is our Liberace episode haunted?  Was one of listeners haunted by a goat boy? Find out!